Cocktail Of The Month: Nighthawks Delivery Service


Sure, March technically marks the start of Spring, but in reality it’s a toss up, weather-wise. You might be suffering through the last dregs of winter or celebrating the first vernal rays of sunshine.

In light of this month’s mixed-bag meteorology, we say stay under the covers. Because we’re dropping one of our little cocktail secrets on you: Nighthawks.

Nighthawks cocktail delivery service opened last year and brings the good stuff right to your door—in less than an hour and for the same price you’d pay in a bar. Cocktails are pre-made and delivered with necessary garnishes, instructions, even ice!

They work with a handful of the city’s best cocktail bars like Tiger, le Syndicat, Le Calbar or Maria Loca.  (If you aren’t familiar with those names, keep them in your back pocket for the upcoming summer months when you’re ready to venture out for more fun!)

For March, celebrate the final days of cocooning and let someone else make your Cocktail of The Month and deliver it right to your door!

We didn’t make this!

LES LOLOS Tip: If you’re going stir-crazy, we’ve got the line on a one-night-only, very limited space Nighthawks X 52 Martinis popup bar. They’ll be serving cocktails from 5 different bars, with one special creation available only at the popup—and all for the seriously bargain price of €25. It’s on April 6th and the location is secret. Reserve your spot here!


About Author

Forest Collins is the creator of the site 52 Martinis, a guide to the best cocktail bars in Paris and founder of The Chamber, a private popup cocktail club. She’s been featured in The New York Times, Le Figaro and The Guardian.

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