You’ve read the books, you’ve painted the nursery, you’ve even gotten your push day pedicure. But have you packed for the hospital? In France, you’re not sent home immediately after delivery. Depending on how the birth goes and how baby is doing, a normal hospital stay is anywhere from three (no complications) to seven (a C-section) days.
After three babies, Alexandra knows exactly what to pack for the French delivery room and is generously sharing her list with us.
The Ultimate French Packing List
At admission:
- Your file with ultrasound reports and all the info from your doctor, lab results and your blood type card
- Livret de famille or “reconnaissance anticipée” for non-married couples
- Carte vitale and proof of insurance
- A form of ID
In the delivery room:
- 1 nightgown or roomy t-shirt. Make sure it’s comfy and photogenic because the delivery room picture will be making the social media rounds
- 1 pair of socks
- 1 cardigan or soft robe in case you get cold (Monoprix has very comfy ones)
- 1 mineral water spray
- Your favorite music loaded up on your phone with a speaker or go old school with a CD player
- Snacks. Labor is work so you’ll want to keep up your energy with easily digestible snacks like apple sauce, greek yogurt, protein bars, nuts and dried fruits, juices or coconut water
For the stay:
- 4 comfortable but pretty outfits. Think of the pictures and remember your mother-in-law will come ASAP to see the marvel her son has produced. You don’t want to look like shit while she’s spent hours doing her hair and makeup to meet her grandkid. Stay strong: She will mention how tired you look. Guerlain has a miracle cream and a blush called Terracotta that looks natural and beautiful
- Several pairs of socks
- 2 large towels and a soft washcloth for your private parts. They will be very sore, potentially stitched, so you want to be gentle to yourself when showering
- 4 disposable panties
- 1 laundry bag for dirty clothes
- Saforelle Intimate Wash
- 1 pack of very absorbant sanitary napkins like Tena Protection Lady Maxi Night 12 Pièces
(the hospital will also provide but they’re scratchy and the size of mattresses so you’ll want your own)
- Your makeup case with shampoo, conditioner, perfume-free deodorant like Sanex which has fewer chemicals
for your newborn to inhale, your makeup and a body moisturizer (breastfeeding dries your body inside and out)
- A phone charger
- An extra battery pack because sometimes the outlet is just too far away and you still want to check Facebook
If you breastfeed:
- A nursing pillow. I loved my Red Castle Nursing Pillow
. I bought mine when I was five months pregnant. It’s perfect for sleeping on your side, especially as your bump gets bigger (better than hubby at this stage, believe me). When you’re feeding baby, the cushion props baby up and will save your back.
- 2 nursing bras (1 to 2 sizes up from your pregnancy bra size)
- A box of nursing pads for the inevitable leaking
- 1 tube of Lansinoh Creme for sore nipples
For Baby
In the delivery room:
- 1 100% cotton onesie (a “body” in French). Choose a front-closing body, “portefeuille”-style, so you don’t have to worry about getting it over baby’s fragile head
- 1 pyjama
- 1 hat. I love the Petit Bateau Bonnet
For the stay:
- 8 bodys
- 8 pyjamas
- 1 sleep sack (Enter our giveaway to win two from MORI!)
- 1 small blanket
- 4 pairs of socks
- 5 bibs with velcro
- 3 bath towels
- 3 towels for diaper changes
- 1 pack of newborn diapers like Pampers
or Naty by Nature
- Toiletries like Liniment Oléo-Calcaire for gentle diaper changes, Bepanthen diaper rash cream, baby bath soap
For the departure:
- 1 pyjama
- 1 cardigan
- 1 warm hat
- 1 blanket
Favorite brands for newborns:
- Petit Bateau
- Du Pareil au Meme Bebe
- Absorba
- The very French and adorable Mamies Tricoteuses (Knitting Grandmas)
It’s Baby Week at LES LOLOS! Read this for everything you need to know about being pregnant in Paris. Here are tips on what to do with your newborn once she’s home. And win a gorgeous set of MORI sleepsacks for your little bub.
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