Editor’s Letter: Getting LoveSexy In Here



February feels like the Charlie Brown of months. It’s shorter than the others (though a day longer this year) and its main event is usually derided as a Hallmark invention. In France, they throw in a two-week school holiday so if you’ve got kids, February is also a buttload of extra work.

With that in mind, we decided to liven things up and christened this LoveSexy Month! Our American optimism just begs to make lemonade… and luurve. And when isn’t it a good time to pay homage to Prince?

Like our petite purple pop god, we’re obviously starting with the Sexy side of things. Our brand-new series, Femme Infidèle, explores a real woman’s story of infidelity. While we know it’s not everyone’s cuppa, our mission at Les Lolos is to give voice to the breadth of the human female experience. Women cheat. We want to hear about it without getting all judgey.

We won’t judge if you’re looking to kink up your Paris lifestyle. Tamara tapped naughty expat author, Heather Stimmler-Hall, to teach us some Libertine Etiquette. She also helped us curate a super-sexy #MyCarnet. Bondage. Check. Semen perfume. Check. Swingers club with DSK*. Um, pass? (We swear, no judgment.)

For the rest of the month, there’s romance and more sex and movies and lingerie and Ask A Frenchwoman and… and…

Doesn’t February feel more exciting already?

We have some surprises for you, too, including something very special for Les Lolos readers. But I’m going to be a tease and not give it up until you put a ring on it next week.

Happy LoveSexy Month, everyone! Because life is so much better when it’s NSFW.


*Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the disgraced politician who I think I did see once at Les Chandelles. As for why I was there? No comment.


About Author

Maggie Kim is a writer, musician and the founder of LES LOLOS.


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