Editor’s Letter: Hey Baby, Hey Baby, Hey!


As if it’s not hard enough being expat, being pregnant in a foreign country takes it to another level: navigating the healthcare (social security) system, learning all the terms involved with pregnancy (they really have to call it la grossesse, “the fatness?”) and then the birth itself, which more often than not happens in a foreign language you’re not all that familiar with. Followed by breastfeeding, not breastfeeding, sleep schedules and eventually, schools

So we’re bringing you Baby Week at LES LOLOS.

To help us untangle some of the mysteries of becoming a maman, our Frenchwoman and mother-of-three, Alexandra Guitelmann, gives us her best advice on what to do when you’re pregnant in Paris. She also shares her Ultimate French Packing List for the delivery room.

Once you bring your precious bundle home, try some of Sasha Romary’s tips for those first six weeks.

And we can’t forget all the adorable baby clothes. Lifestyles Editor Hadley Seward takes a look at beautiful baby brand, MORI, who generously collaborated with us for a gorgeous giveaway this week.

Congratulations to all you mamas and mamas-to-be! It’s exhilarating, overwhelming and sometimes exhausting, but motherhood is one of the most beautiful and meaningful experiences ever.

As always, let us know if there’s any information you want or need to know—whether it’s about pregnancy, parenting, or just plain life as an expat in Paris or otherwise. We’re here for you!



About Author

Maggie Kim is a writer, musician and the founder of LES LOLOS.

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